Best TV Show That I Just Watched

Best TV Show That I Just Watched
Parks & Recreation

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

The Prestige on DVD

Working at a video store, sometimes we get nice surprises. One came in today- The Prestige 2 whole weeks early! So, I rented it, and have already watched it again. It absolutely holds up on a third viewing. While I must say that the DVD is worth owning for the film alone, the extras are quite paltry. Less than 30 minutes of extras are included on the disc. Although some of the information is very intriguing and a lot of behind the scenes footage is shown, as opposed to movie clips, no clues or huge insights are given. There is no commentary or anything, so I would be expecting a Special Edition sometime soon.If you must own this on release date- February 20th, make sure you buy it for the lowest price, unless there is a bonus disc somewhere that I havent heard about yet.

By the way, I have searched exhaustively for Easter Eggs, and while they may be there, they are not easily accessible.

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